Sep 27

2019-09-27 EISP UPDATE

Well here is the sad scoop…

We are going to cancel the Friday and Friday night activities.

We WILL hold Saturday afternoon activities… this includes the guest speakers, door prizes and the raffle for the scope.

At this time we are NOT cancelling Saturday nite or the offer to extend your stay for Sunday night too…. BUT this is on the condition that 1) we aren’t rained out again AND 2) that observation field conditions allow us to safely and non-destructively drive on the field.

I will say that Saturday nite is not looking any better than Friday night, and if there is rain again on Sunday morning, there is a better than 50/50 chance that if Sunday nite allows for astronomy, that the field wont be accessible…

We will go day by day before making decisions, so watch your email… our QCAS – Quad Cities Astronomical Society Facebook page… our Eastern Iowa Star Party Facebook page… our Eastern Iowa Star Party Cloudy Nights Forums topic… or our website at

Apologies, but in the future….

Clear Skies!

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